10 Movies That Totally Ripped Off Die Hard

2. Passenger 57 (1992)

Passenger 57 Wesley Snipes
Warner Bros.

Passenger 57 was released at the height of Wesley Snipes' fame and bolstered his stature as one of the most reliable action movie draws of the mid-90s.

Yes, it's Die Hard on a plane once again with this ludicrously daft yet immensely enjoyable thriller in which an airline security expert (Snipes) finds himself onboard a plane that madman terrorist Charles Rane (an hilariously hammy Bruce Payne) and his men have hijacked.

Of course, Snipes ends up isolated and facing off against a fleet of well-armed goons, and as far as gimmicky Die Hard ripoffs go, it's actually pretty fun. Payne and Snipes are great, the pace is lightning fast, and at just 84 minutes in length it doesn't ever begin to outstay its welcome.

Snipes' singular personality at least ensures he doesn't just feel like a feckless McClane substitute, though the influences are nevertheless clear as day.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.