10 Movies That Tricked You Into Believing Heroes Were Evil

8. Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Part 2 - Severus Snape

Aliens James Cameron
Warner Bros.

Severus appears to be a stereotypical villain with his all-black, Dracula-esque appearance and continuously grumpy personality where he constantly berated children. He is also shown to be on the side of the series main villain Voldemort, essentially as his right-hand man.

After Snape murdered the ever loveable head-teacher Dumbledore and took over his school, it cemented him as one of the most hated characters in the entire series.

Then in the very last film of the franchise, viewers are shown the heartbreaking realization that the whole time Snape had been a double-agent under Dumbledore, and for years had been helping out the heroes cause. Snape had secretly saved them on numerous occasions and he had even killed Dumbledore under the wise wizard's own orders.

Initially a Death Eater, Snape switched sides due to the love he had for Harry Potter's mother, Lily, and that deeply rooted affection lasted a lifetime. He risked his life every single day after learning of her death and eventually was a major factor in Voldemort's defeat.

Severus Snape's story is one of the most tragic in the Harry Potter universe, and audiences were left feeling guilty they had labeled him such a despicable character for so many years once the truth was revealed.

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Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.