10 Movies That WASTED Villains From Their Source Material

5. Lex Luthor AND Doomsday - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Final Doom

Batman v Superman marked the first meeting of the three core members of the Justice League, and was also DC's first attempt in earnest to rival the powerhouse that is the MCU.

While the movie is an ambitious meeting of two of comics' most marketable heroes, the result was a jumbled mess full of poor choices across the board.

It also boasts not one, but two iconic Superman villains entirely wasted during its 150 minute run-time.

Firstly, we see a Jesse Eisenberg's bizarre take on Lex Luthor, channelling his inner Mark Zuckerberg and mixing it with the Riddler, entirely the wrong comic book villain. Luthor in Batman v Superman boasts a full head of shoulder-length hair as opposed to his iconic bald headed villainy, and then he somehow gives birth (not literally) to what might just be the most ridiculous re-imagining of a comic book villain.

Instead of being the ancient genetically engineered Kryptonian monster of the comics, Luthor mixes his own DNA with that of General Zod's corpse to create Superman's murderer.

And, just like that, Zack Snyder alienated an entire fanbase and put a bullet into what should have been DC's successful movie franchise.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.