10 Movies That Were Filmed But Never Finished

9. The Works

New York Insititute The Works
New York Insititute

Everybody knows that Pixar€™s Toy Story was the first 3D computer animated feature film. However, had it have been completed, The Works would have beaten John Lasseter'€™s animation to the punch by well over a decade.

In 1976, The New York Institute of Technology partially developed The Works. There was no official director or editor attached to the project; instead, Graphics Researcher Lance Williams helmed the production with a team that consisted entirely of computer programmers. Ten years after the task was set in motion, The Works was binned because the project€™s ambitions exceeded the technology.

From the few minutes of surviving footage, the film appears to follow a group of creatures working on some kind of construction site, but it all just looks like a very bad video game. Hooray for Pixar.

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Toy Story
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Writer of some things you liked and some you didn't. Film grad. Master of Arts. Adrenaline junkie.