10 Movies That Were Fixed After Release

8. Bruce Almighty

Alien Romulus

Jim Carrey's 2003 comedy Bruce Almighty hit an unexpected stumbling block shortly after release, due to a phone number featured in the film in a scene when God (Morgan Freeman) pages Bruce (Carrey).

The number in question, 776-2323, was unassigned in the city of Buffalo, New York where the movie is set, but that didn't stop members of the public calling the number from their own area codes and harassing whoever answered, apparently often asking them to talk to God.

This wasn't just an issue in the U.S., either - a sandwich shop in Manchester, England even received up to 100 nuisance calls per day following Bruce Almighty's release. 

Universal ultimately received enough complaints and even legal threats that they decided to edit the pager number for the film's home video release, digitally altering it to the wholly fictional phone number 555–0123.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.