10 Movies That Were Fixed After Release

3. Se7en

Alien Romulus
New Line Cinema

It's no secret that David Fincher is one of the most obsessive filmmakers of all time, and in addition to shooting far more takes per scene than your average director, heavily fine-tunes his films in post-production, using cutting-edge editing and VFX tools to make "invisible" alterations to the most minor details.

But Fincher perhaps outdid himself with the recent 4K remaster of his 1995 classic Se7en, which saw him go back and make innumerable small adjustments to aspects of the film which have bothered him for 30 years.

Because higher resolution releases of the film have made it easier for audiences to spot continuity errors, Fincher took the opportunity to digitally remove as many of these as possible - such as the sloth victim's real arm being unintentionally visible during some shots.

Fincher even used generative AI to remove and reconstruct problematic elements in shots, and less contentiously made innumerable tweaks to the colour grading and lighting of scenes.

Despite the tendency to be skeptical of filmmakers "improving" their masterpieces decades after the fact - looking at you, George Lucas - reviews have largely praised the Se7en remaster as the definitive way to watch the film.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.