10 Movies That Were Saved By One Genius Tweak

5. Jynn And Andor Don't Get Their Happy Ending - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Rogue Nation

While it was fairly safe to assume that next to none of the newly introduced feature players involved in a film set just before the events of the Original Star Wars Trilogy were expected to live past the film's final scene, Gareth Edwards was very much aware of the studio he was dealing with when bringing Rogue One to life.

And so, the director understandably accepted early on that Disney weren't going to be all that keen on the concept of killing off pretty much every hero involved in the gripping spin-off.

Only, after presenting the first draft of the script to The House of Mouse and Lucasfilm that saw Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor actually making it off Scarif alive after stealing the Death Star plans, a development that Edwards admitted "didn't feel right" from the off, Kathleen Kennedy asked "Well, shouldn't they all die?"

Sure enough, after getting the green light to do just that, Edwards set about forging a flick that produced one of the most tragic and impactful final sequences in modern blockbuster history, with Erso and Andor's sacrifice for the greater good undoubtedly elevating Rogue One to the status of instant classic.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...