10 Movies That Were Saved By One Genius Tweak

4. One Slight Change In Reshoots Changes America Chavez's Entire Outlook - Multiverse Of Madness

Rogue Nation
Marvel Studios

Easily one of the major highlights of Sam Raimi's creepy spin on all things Doctor Strange that was this year's Multiverse of Madness came in the form of Xochitl Gomez's multiverse-hopping American Chavez.

From the get-go, fans come to realise that this powerful youngster is far from the finished article, with her lack of control over her raw power likely stemming from an understandable amount of trust issues brought on by a rather tragic past.

However, one of the major events that play into America's aforementioned struggles wasn't actually a part of the originally shot Strange sequel flick.

As the actor herself would reveal to Slashfilm, the first version of the movie's opening involved Defender Strange trying to save Chavez before his death ultimately led to the youngster's heart being broken from his sacrifice.

After reshooting the sequence, though, the scene was shifted to have Strange instead betray the multiverse traveller as he attempted to seize control of her powers. As Gomez herself would note, the tweak gave her "a lot more to work with", whilst also offering "a completely different perspective on her and her trust issues..."

So, had Strange not got things off to a questionable start in the way he did post-reshoots, there could've possibly been an alternate universe where America wasn't quite the layered highlight she ultimately went on to become.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...