10 Movies That Were Saved By One Genius Tweak

3. The Russo Brothers Force RDJ Back Into The Suit One More Time - Avengers: Endgame

Rogue Nation

It may come as a surprise to hear that arguably the most impactful one-liner the MCU has delivered to date actually only entered the conversation at a surprisingly late stage.

With Joe and Anthony Russo trying to figure out how exactly to go about delivering the final-ever lines uttered by Robert Downey Jr.'s immortal Tony Stark, the director double-act found themselves faced with a number of alternate versions of Iron Man's final moments after allowing RDJ to improvise for a spell.

But after seemingly landing on a version that would see Tony say nothing at all as he decimated Thanos' forces with one last snap, The Russo brothers were unexpectedly stopped in their tracks by editor Jeff Ford as the figure who worked on the first Iron Man offered them an iteration of the scene that brilliantly had Stark declare "And I am Iron Man," in response to The Mad Titan's "I am inevitable" boast.

Without skipping a beat, the directors phoned Downey and told him he'd have to say goodbye to the character one more time as the duo infused what many class as the emotional climax of the entire Infinity Saga into their Endgame epic in one short but sweet RDJ pick-up.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...