10 Movies That Were Too Damn Long

3. Cloud Atlas (2012)

Cloud Atlas
Warner Bros.

The reason this 2012 fantasy/sci-fi drama feels so long is because it's so damn confusing. Watching Cloud Atlas makes Inception look like Up.

Set over six different generations, the film stars the likes of Tom Hanks, Jim Broadbent and Halle Berry, who play six different characters over the course of the film. Trying to sum up what the movie is actually about is no easy task, but it ultimately boils down to how our actions affect people in our lives and lay the groundwork for the future. Or something.

You'd think, over its 175 minute runtime, that there'd be a moment where everything came together and things started to make sense, but you'd be wrong.

Over the near-three hour picture, your brain is in fifth gear, trying to fully figure out what's transpiring and what it all means, and whilst the individual stories have moments of real heart and ambition, they don't really come to anything by the time the film has lurched across the finish line.

Some people love it, others hate it, but whatever your thoughts on the finished product, there's no denying it could have been an hour shorter to save its audience their sanity.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.