10 Movies That Will Make You Cry Yourself To Sleep

8. Old Yeller

It's an oldie but a... grim, awful, heartbreaking goodie. There's really nothing to be said about Old Yeller that 99.9 percent of the population doesn't already know about, but let's just say that if you haven't seen the movie (or are somehow blissfully unaware of the emotional trauma it's capable of causing), then you are a rare and beautiful flower, and don't ever let anyone taint you with the knowledge of what happens to Yeller. That said, please allow me to taint you with the knowledge of what happens to Yeller. The Labrador/Mastiff mix is bitten by a rabid wolf while trying to protect his owners. Though he doesn't die, he does develop rabies, and the family is forced to put him down. From the moment Travis takes the shotgun from his mother's hands and decides that it's his duty to put him down (because Yeller was "his" dog), any non-robot watching has just had the floodgates opened up behind their tear ducts. Travis' first step toward adulthood is also every semi-feeling person's first step toward several hours of heavy sobbing.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.