10 Movies That Won't Be Outshined By Their Inevitable Reboots

2. The Crow

The Crow This reboot is set to go in to production next year. We really have no way of knowing whether or not the reboot will be any good until we see it. Until then let's just all keep our fingers crossed that the reboot sets itself to a much higher standard than any of the abysmal sequels that followed the original. Back in 1994 this movie was a huge risk for everyone involved. It was dark...like REALLY dark. The odds that anyone would embrace the film were a roll of the dice at best. Although the film saw moderate success in theaters it reached cult status thanks to video rentals. This film is loved by many and is often overlooked when people mention the greatest comic book movies of all time. You can watch this movie right now and without a doubt it still holds up today. From start to finish this version of the story is perfect. The imagery, the setting, the tone and above all else the cast make this a very special cinematic experience. Luke Evans has his work cut out for him stepping in to the character of Eric Draven and if he is smart at all he will try to put his own spin on it. Brandon Lee gives the best performance of his career in this movie and it's a total shame that it also happened to be his last. Brandon outshines everyone in this movie by putting on a performance that would have catapulted him to icon status in the event that he lived. Surely if he were still with us today Brandon would be one of Hollywood's elite and it's a tragedy that he will never get that chance. The reboot is coming and sooner than later. It may be a decent movie. It may even be a great movie, but it won't be better than this movie.

I am a writer/musician and hopeless entertainment addict. I could talk your ear off all day about my vast (albeit completely useless) knowledge of pro-wrestling and then argue with you how the characters in LOST were more important than the plot itself. Yeah I'm that guy. Follow me on twitter @IAMJoshFoster.