10 Movies That Won't Be Outshined By Their Inevitable Reboots

8. Gremlins

gremlins2 Boy do 80s movies seem to be extremely popular when it comes to remakes. This film already has producers attached to it as of a few months ago which means that it's only a matter of time before it happens. The biggest problem with remaking 80s movies is that so much of what makes them special is the charm of that era. Looking back on the 80s you can see right away how campy the whole era is and it's a nostalgia kick which gets people excited. A modern day version of Gremlins would surely not hold the same appeal as the original. I don't think anyone wants to see a version of Gremlins cluttered with CGI versions of the creatures themselves playing with iPhones. With CGI comes more possibilities for the creators to work with and that can't be a good thing. Just take a second and think about all of the ridiculous things the Gremlins would now be capable of now that they can make them do anything. Scary isn't it? The motivation to reboot this film is without a doubt a cash grab. Selling millions of Gizmo dolls at Christmas time is number one on someone's priority list.

I am a writer/musician and hopeless entertainment addict. I could talk your ear off all day about my vast (albeit completely useless) knowledge of pro-wrestling and then argue with you how the characters in LOST were more important than the plot itself. Yeah I'm that guy. Follow me on twitter @IAMJoshFoster.