10 Movies We Knew Would Make Us Cry That We Saw Anyway

2. Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close/United 93

I paired these two movies up because the reason they make us cry are the same. No matter how many years, decades, pass, the traumatic events of 9/11 will never leave those who were alive to witness it. Both movies follow stories of people who were directly affected by the terrorist attacks that took down the twin towers and left us feeling heartbroken. If you ever want to make someone cry, show them footage of the towers collapsing. We knew we would cry, but we didn€™t necessarily know when we would cry, at these movies. Extremely Loud has us crying from start to finish, I think, whereas United 93 had us crying as we were given the opportunities to apply it to real life experiences. Imagine being on that plane. We knew they all died. Some of us, including myself, knew someone on the actual United flight that crashed in Pennsylvania that day. Insurmountable horror will always prevail in a public crying battle, but it is necessary for these films to have been made so that we can have some peace. I, personally, thought that it was too soon for these movies to be made. Yes, it has been almost fifteen years since the attack, but I€™m not sure how much time will need to pass before audiences can handle a brutal rehashing of 9/11.

I am a college graduate of Penn State with two bachelors in the arts. When I'm not writing or performing, I am an SFX make-up artist for local up and coming films in the Houston area. I love horror movies, James Spader, and will watch anything suggested to me.