10 Movies Weirdly Changed (Nobody Knows Why)

8. The Remixed Gunshots - The Terminator

Men In Black Dialogue Change
Orion Pictures

If you saw James Cameron's The Terminator prior to 2001, the unique gunshot sound effects are likely seared into your brain - the almost cat-like roar of The Terminator's (Arnold Schwarzeneggger) .45 Longslide is totally unmistakable.

But for the 2001 Special Edition DVD release, the original mono sound mix was remixed into 5.1 surround sound, resulting in many of the movie's original sound effects being altered or outright replaced.

This included the aforementioned gunshots being changed to sound like pathetic pea-shooters, and the cannon-like shotgun blasts similarly having much of their kick dialled down.

While one can certainly appreciate the decision to update the original audio for modern home sound systems, it's less understandable that Cameron's distinctive original audio choices were made more clean and sterile because... reasons?

Though some early home releases do include an additional mono audio track, allowing fans to watch it as God intended, most recent versions of The Terminator sadly force the inferior revised sound effects upon viewers.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.