10 Movies We're Surprised Directors Haven't Made Yet

9. The Incredibles II - Brad Bird

The IncrediblesThe Movie: A follow-up to Pixar's massively successful superhero satire, The Incredibles. Bring in a new league of supervillains, and you've got the potential for a film that surpasses the original. Why It Hasn't Been Made: It's complicated. Pixar seem to love making sequels these days, but when they can make $10 billion in merchandising from the Cars franchise, they must view The Incredibles as something considerably risker, given that its merchandising sales don't begin to approach that sort of insane figure. Director Brad Bird has been busy honing his live-action game, but he's keen to return, and Samuel L. Jackson recently chimed in also, saying, "I keep asking the guys at Pixar why we didn't make The Incredibles 2. And nobody can tell me...I think they raised the bar so high that they are worried about making one that's not as good as the first one." That didn't exactly stop Pixar with Cars 2 and Monsters University, did it now?

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.