10 Movies Where The Villain Deserved To Win

6. General Ross - The Incredible Hulk

Law Abiding Citizen
Universal Pictures

There’s a couple of superhero movies where the motives of the villains are praised, and The Incredible Hulk is usually left out of that conversation; much like how the MCU tends to ignore its existence.

However, Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross really deserved to win this one. The MCU has recognised that he’s not really a bad guy, keeping him around as being ostensibly a superhero hating antagonist yet still working for the good guys.

He’s working for the US military trying to stop a gamma radiated monster from wreaking havoc within the United States. The fact his daughter is dating the monster never clouds his judgement, which actually makes him the perfect man for the job.

Yes, he can be a bit severe, and no, he shouldn’t have trusted Emil Blonsky. He still deserved to win though.

Hulk isn’t an Iron Man style hero who flaunts his technology then backs it up at a senate hearing. He’s not Captain America, advocating non-violence. He just smashes things.

Even when he’s working for the Avengers, he smashes New York and Johannesburg with little regard for the civilians there. Ross trying to stop him early was the most sensible option.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)