10 Movies Where The Villain Was Dead All Along

5. The Strangers - Vault Of Horror

Hell House Sara Havel
Cinerama Releasing Corporation

The second of three horror anthologies on this list now, with 1973's The Vault of Horror, where five men get trapped in an office building's basement without a means of escape.

As they wait to be rescued, the guys take a seat, have some drinks, and tell tales of their recurring nightmares. Yeah, you might see where this is going.

After each of the stories has been told, we return to the frame narrative where the sealed elevator door has opened, leading the group out into a graveyard.

Four of the men swiftly enter the graveyard and disappear, leaving behind only Sebastian (Michael Craig), who learns that he and the others are in fact damned souls who are being punished for their evil acts, being forced to tell tales of their worst misdeeds for eternity.

And in case the point somehow wasn't made clear yet, Sebastian looks back to the room he and the other men were in, only to see that it was actually a mausoleum the entire time.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.