10 Movies With INSANE Casts You've Never Heard Of

4. Basquiat

10 Years

This 1996 biopic of legendary expressionist artist Jean-Michel Basquiat was at least decently received by critics upon release, though grossed just $3 million globally - less than 10% of its budget - and near enough blipped out of existence shortly thereafter.

The cast is distinguished by not only featuring two future iterations of Batman's Commissioner Gordon - Jeffrey Wright, who plays Basquiat, and Gary Oldman - but also starring David Bowie (as Andy Warhol), Benicio del Toro, Dennis Hopper, Michael Wincott, Claire Forlani, Parker Posey, Courtney Love, Tatum O'Neal, Christopher Walken, Willem Dafoe, and Sam Rockwell. Goddamn.

Despite this, you'll struggle to find anyone talking about Basquiat today, even with the general response to the film from critics and audiences alike being solidly positive. For a scene-stealing David Bowie as Andy Warhol alone, one would assume the movie had firmly cemented its place in cinema history, let alone Jeffrey Wright's terrific work in the title role.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.