10 Movies You Could've Watched Instead Of Campaigning For The Snyder Cut
5. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie

You read the title right, we're talking about the 1995 cinematic event that was the first Power Rangers movie. This was when six "teenagers" were stuffed into multi-coloured motorbike armour, and tasked with saving the world from a super-powered blueberry man.
You wanted the Justice League? This IS the Justice League! Six sexy adults who skydive, responsibly Rollerblade through construction sites and go on a vision quest with a Diet Coke Xena Warrior Princess. All the heroes get a moment to shine - even TV series knuckleheads Bulk & Skull have their own hero moment.
The fight scenes between the Rangers and dinosaur skeletons, stone gargoyle samurai, and the beet-boxing bird warriors (I wish I made this up!) are legitimately fun, and the adventure doesn't stop there when they return to Angel Grove to confront the movie's villain Ivan Ooze and his Ecto-Morphicons.
Think Batman and Wonder Woman have chemistry in Justice League?! Wait until you see the thick sexual tension between Tommy and Kimberley!
And if you're still not convinced: how many movies take out their villain by kneeing them in the scrotum and sending them directly into the path of a passing comet? Exactly!