10 Movies You Hate For The Wrong Reasons

2. Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker

Why You Hate It: Because Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) doesn't act the way your rigid, narrow definition of the character says he should, despite the fact that people change over time and nothing he did in The Last Jedi contradicted that.

Alright, the Leia (Carrie Fisher) "Superman" scene is pretty indefensible, but it's ultimately a small moment in a movie which has a far bigger problem.

Why You Should Hate It: In the year since the movie's release, the fanbase has become divided more than ever before, feverishly debating the merits (or lack thereof) of Rian Johnson's film.

Even as a fan of the movie, the vocal discussions about The Last Jedi are so toxic and frustrating that they unavoidably transpire through to the film itself. When you scroll past the The Last Jedi on Netflix, the first thing you might think of isn't those incredible moments, it's the vitriolic fanboy foaming.

It's practically impossible to have a rational discussion about its pros and cons online, with the movie sending the fanbase into a polarised spiral matched by not even the initial response to The Phantom Menace (which was more conclusively negative).

While it's incredibly unlikely that Episode IX's box office or critical favour will be much affected by The Last Jedi's fan reaction, it is a case of a fanbase being its own worst enemy, and making it tough to get that hyped about the next film.

As great as many think The Last Jedi is, in its eagerness to subvert expectations, it may well have ruined joyful discourse about Star Wars for the foreseeable future. What a shame that is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.