10 Movies You Totally Didn't Realise Were Racist

8. Rocky

The first Rocky film, released in 1976, centred around the titular, an unranked boxer, defeating Apollo Creed, the world heavyweight champion. It's a classic tale of an underdog who makes good, a triumph of David over Goliath, a giant of the boxing-movie genre... and it's also kind of racist. The main problem here is one of context. Apollo Creed, a black, outspoken boxer, was quite clearly based on Muhammad Ali. Ali was at the time one of the most successful boxers in the world and was consistently criticised by the establishment for being a black man who was happy to speak his mind. The image of a white boxer defeating Ali's fictional stand in was viewed by many as wish-fulfilment for boxing fans who had taken against Ali for political reasons.

Brydie is an Australian writer and performer living in London and she complains exactly the same amount about the weather as every other Australian living in London. Yes, that is her natural lip colour, no, she will not be taking any further questions at this time.