10 Movies You Wish Were Made Differently

8. R-Rated, Lower Budget & No A-Listers - World War Z

Shia Labeouf Transformers
Paramount Pictures

Taking Max Brooks' post-apocalyptic zombie novel World War Z and adapting it into a $200 million Brad Pitt-starring PG-13 blockbuster movie was the wrong approach in so many ways.

For starters, the film is an extremely loose adaptation of Brooks' source, effectively taking the recognisable brand name and using it to sell an infuriatingly generic and bloodless big-budget action movie.

World War Z would've been infinitely more interesting were it made for 25% of the budget, had a greater abundance of actual, live-action zombies rather than an anonymous digital horde, as well as an ensemble cast of talented character actors, and the plentiful gore everyone expects from a zombie movie.

Instead, we ended up with an intensely risk-averse, overblown tentpole flick compromised at every turn by its infamously problematic production.

Hollywood loves to believe that bigger is always better, but in the case of World War Z, a smaller scope and more intimate focus on its central characters would've done it wonders.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.