10 Must-See Comedy Horror Films For Halloween

5. Slither

Slither is a 2006 sci-fi-horror-comedy set in the sleepy little American town of Wheelsy during an alien parasite invasion. The film stars Michael "Merle Dixon" Rooker as Grant Grant, a man who becomes infected with a bad case of space worms that take over his mind and cause him to lock up his lady friend Brenda in an isolated barn where she turns into a giant, slug-like space worm incubator. Despite being a box office flop, the film got good reviews and holds a score of 86% on RottenTomatoes.com. It's a great homage to body-horror films like Invasion of The Bodysnatchers and David Cronenberg's Shivers. Full of classic genre tropes tweaked in just the right places and with gross out humour coming out of its ears, Slither is definitely worth a watch this Halloween.
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Idle Hands
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