10 New Details You Need To Know About James Gunn's The Suicide Squad

6. There Will Be Plenty Of Comedy

Harley Quinn Fan Art
Warner Bros.

When The Avengers was released in 2012, Marvel Studios embraced comedic tones for their movies, so it wasn't really all that jarring when Guardians of the Galaxy followed two years later as what was essentially a full-blown comedy. As you might expect, that's something Gunn also plans on bringing to the table for The Suicide Squad.

Joel Kinnaman says that, "[Gunn has] written a fantastic script. It’s so funny, [and] I feel like I’m shooting my first comedy." Margot Robbie, meanwhile, has added, "You’re going to be laughing a lot. It’s going to be good is all I can say for now. It’s going to be very, very good." Task Force X clearly won't be taking themselves quite so seriously this time then.

That's not a bad thing, and the entire premise is a little daft when you stop and think about it. However, this is definitely going to be a departure from that first instalment and some fans probably won't be happy seeing Gunn use goofy characters like Arm-Fall-Off-Boy and Peacemaker over those usually associated with this team of villains.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.