10 New Details You Need To Know About James Gunn's The Suicide Squad

5. There Are Going To Be Some Casualties

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Warner Bros.

It should go without saying that The Suicide Squad will feature some noteworthy casualties, but you'd be forgiven for forgetting that's the case after watching the 2016 movie. Slipknot was killed off in short order and El Diablo sacrificed himself, but the bombs in the team's necks were otherwise meaningless for the most part.

Gunn is clearly all too aware of that as he's assembled a massive cast and vowed that his movie will feature some notable character deaths. John Cena has alluded to the opening of The Suicide Squad being a short film in its own right, and rumour has it that the sequence is going to see nearly every member of Amanda Waller's team killed one after the other.

That's one way to make a statement, of course, and - SPOILER ALERT! - Rick Flag is reportedly going to be among those who get taken out. Killing off one of the first movie's lead characters like that is a ballsy move on Gunn's part, and it may go some way in explaining why Jai Courtney's Captain Boomerang also hasn't been spotted on set...


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.