10 New MCU Characters We Can't Wait To See In 2023

5. Sonya Falsworth

Adam Warlock Guardians of the Galaxy

To help combat the rebel Skrulls in Secret Invasion, Nick Fury will team up with British secret agent, Sonya Falsworth, who is portrayed by Olivia Colman.

To a casual Marvel fan, that name shouldn't ring a bell. But if you're an avid comic reader, you should recognise the importance of Sonya's surname.

During World War II, Captain America fought with a British operative called James Montgomery Falsworth AKA Union Jack. Much like Cap, Falsworth represented the fighting spirit of the English people, which is why he had the British flag emblazoned on his outfit.

Even though James Falsworth appeared in Captain America: The First Avenger, the sequel confirmed that he died after World War II. Because Sonya Falsworth shares James's surname, it's safe to assume she's his granddaughter and will server as Union Jack's spiritual successor.

But that's not all. Because Colman is an Academy Award winner, it's a little suspicious how she's portraying a minor character in the MCU. Since Secret Invasion is sure to reveal certain allies have been Skrulls all along, don't be too surprised if Falsworth is exposed as one of the invading aliens.


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