10 New MCU Characters We Can't Wait To See In 2023

3. The High Evolutionary

Adam Warlock Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel Comics / Marvel Studios

If you enjoyed Chukwudi Iwuji's performance as Murn in Peacemaker, you're in luck. James Gunn was so impressed with Iwuji's work, he cast him as the main antagonist of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, The High Evolutionary.

As the name suggests, the cosmic scientist is utterly obsessed with evolution, to the point where he's evolved his own brain, allowing him to control any creature's DNA. In the blink of an eye, he can devolve his foes to the state of an amoeba. Alternatively, he can evolve the most pathetic organisms into his own indestructible minions,.

Although The High Evolutionary is a force to be reckoned with, some comic fans were worried he might come across as a generic adversary, much like Ronan the Accuser in the first GOTG.

But as can be seen in the trailer, The Evolutionary's backstory has been revised, so he's the one responsible for turning Rocket Raccoon into a sentient creature. This change was a great idea, since it gives The High Evolutionary a personal connection with our heroes, which is sure to make the story far more engaging, and the inevitable showdown a lot more epic.


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