10 Most Obvious Oscar-Bait Movies Coming In 2014

10. Noah

I want to believe in Darren Aronofsky's $130 million biblical epic, but the last time he was given anything approaching a sizable budget ($35 million for The Fountain), it resulted in a divided critical opinion and an abysmal box office. The thought of him having control of such a large project is pretty worrying, and this isn't exactly something that the promotional materials so far have cleared up for me. Though the scale of the production looks impressive, I'm not yet convinced that this will be anything more than a style-over-substance spectacle. Yet, on paper, it has a lot going for it as prime Oscar bait: Oscar friendlies Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly take the lead roles, and unless the film is a total flop, it will probably scoop up nominations on the crafts side, for sound editing and mixing, film editing and visual effects, as well as possibly for its cinematography. The March release date will hurt its chances, but it's clearly a movie baying for Oscar glory.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.