10 Most Obvious Oscar-Bait Movies Coming In 2014

4. Foxcatcher

The long-anticipated Foxcatcher was supposed to have its premiere in November at the AFI Fest, but was unexpectedly yanked from the line-up and moved to an unspecified date in 2014. Given how it had been a hopeful Oscar player last year, this was pretty alarming news, causing many to speculate that the film simply had not shaped up as well as the producers had liked. That said, it has a lot going for it on paper, with Oscar-nominated co-scribe Dan Futterman (Capote) and Oscar-nominated director Bennett Miller (Moneyball). In addition to this, there's Steve Carell playing massively against type as a paranoid schizophrenic murderer, while Channing Tatum gets possibly his meatiest dramatic role to date, and Mark Ruffalo is thrown in the mix too. It's without a doubt worthy material, though the fact that rumours plague the project not being up to scratch suggest all that esteem might be for naught. Fingers crossed this isn't true.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.