10 Obvious Signs You’re About To Be Murdered by a Movie Slasher

2. A Random Guy Gives You an Ominous Warning That You Choose To Ignore

http://youtu.be/k3CaYYEkGXI Traditionally, if you€™re on your way to that skinny-dipping romp in the woods or that steamy weekend at the cabin and you stop for some gas and a bite to eat at a local independent rest stop, try to pay heed to any eerie warnings you might hear from the staff, no matter how strange they might look or act. Don€™t forget, locals are an invaluable source of information on any area you might decide to visit. So if one of them mentions, I don€™t know, any horrific massacres that occurred exactly twenty years ago on the spot you€™ve chosen to camp, or something along those lines, it€™s probably a good idea to listen up. If you choose to ignore said warning then there€™s a very good chance that you and your party will end up as anniversary celebrations for a movie killer. The Solution: Be flexible. I know changing plans last minute is a pain in the ass, but when someone warns you that you will die should you stay your course of action it€™s probably smart to just adjust your plans a little; maybe check into a Holiday Inn instead of staying in that abandoned cabin, just in case. A week later, when your reading the paper over morning coffee and you stumble across the story of the sexy teens who were murdered by a psychopath while they all boned each other in said abandoned cabin, you€™ll thank me for my advice.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.