10 Obvious Signs You’re About To Be Murdered by a Movie Slasher

1. You€™re The Only Black/ Hispanic/ Asian Guy In The Group

http://youtu.be/scg3LOF6Lv0 If you€™re the one minority in a group of white teens who€™re vacationing somewhere isolated and remote or investigating a creepy old manor house, then you unfortunately already have a movie killer target on your chest. Sorry. This shameful trope is the product of years of ugly racial segregation and continued narrow-mindedness on the part of a largely Caucasian (and mostly idiotic) Hollywood. Either that or movie killers are all terrible, homicidal racists. Probably a bit of both. Either way, you€™ll have to watch your back. The Solution: Be like these guys. Only bad horror movies see the minority character die first; are you in a bad movie, or are you in a bad ass movie? You can be the exception to this despicable rule of thumb. As you€™ll traditionally die first without warning (you€™ll be the guy that reiterates the threat of death to the majority white audience) you€™ll have to be extra vigilant should you spot the signs - sudden fog, strange investigatable noises, loss of cell phone reception. If any of that seems to be occurring, simply refuse to be the first person to put him or herself in danger. Or alternativley be the only rationally thinking member of the group; the one to say "guys, shall we just get out of here?" So theres my list; follow it to the letter and you might just see the night through. Anything you'd like to add? Do let us know...
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.