10 Obvious Signs You’re About To Be Murdered by a Movie Slasher

3. You Tell Your Remaining Fellow Survivors To €œWait Here€

When under attack from a movie killer, why would you ever decide to head off alone? It€™s not €˜strength in solitude€™. That€™s not a thing. Think on this: if you€™re one of the only remaining members of your original group and you decide to go off on your own anywhere, the next victim is already obvious. And it€™s not one of those you left behind. You€™ll show up later, possibly in a scene in which you€™re positioned away from the camera as one of your surviving buddies approaches slowly from behind calling €œBilly? Are you ok?€ You won€™t be ok, by the way. You€™ll have been murdered, and not even on camera. The Solution: Stick to your surviving comrades like a wet shower curtain. Then if the killer does show up then at least he€™ll have his pick of victims; it could be you, or it could be the promiscuous cheerleader and your chance of survival is bumped up to 50%. By going off on your own, you really are killing your odds. Don€™t make the killer€™s choice for him and never forget, it€™s €˜strength in numbers€™.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.