10 Obvious Signs You’re About To Be Murdered by a Movie Slasher

9. You Decide to have Sex In a Cabin/Abandoned House/ Creepy Forest

There€™s nothing more deliciously naughty than a quick fumble somewhere you€™re not supposed to be fumbling, like behind a wheelie bin at a motorway service station for example, but there€™s a line. Creepy dilapidated cabins, ominous abandoned houses and pitch dark forests most definitely cross it. Should you decide that you€™re the exception to that rule then enjoy that fumble, it€™s probably going to be your last. And movie killers will rarely extend you the common courtesy of allowing you to finish. Worth it? The Solution: Simply learn to control your libido and always remember the golden rule that the couple who decide to bump uglies almost always die first. Serial killers are usually sexually motivated after all, so to them, the act of coitus is like honey to a hungry bear. That€™s like movie slasher 101.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.