10 Obvious Signs You’re About To Be Murdered by a Movie Slasher

7. You€™re in a Deserted Location and No One Has Phone Reception

http://youtu.be/XIZVcRccCx0 Should you find yourself in the sticks with a group of friends and for some reason nobody in your party has mobile phone reception, there€™s a good chance a movie killer, the desperate opportunists that they are, will conveniently decide to attack. And of course it€™ll then be left up to you and your useless friends to survive the night alone, without hope of help from the outside. And let€™s be honest, unless you€™re the shy but quietly noble girl in the group, you probably won€™t see dawn. The Solution: Firstly, if you and a group of your friends have come to the mutual decision to spend time in a deserted location for whatever reason (underage drinking, sex away from the parents, whatever it may be), simply check your network€™s coverage before you set off. If it€™s non-existent, just pick another location. If you choose to go anyway and find yourself pursued by a relentless killer, then you€™ve only got yourself to blame, haven€™t you?
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.