10 Obvious Signs You’re About To Be Murdered by a Movie Slasher

5. You Think You€™re Harder Than The Killer

http://youtu.be/VQov9F8t4rM The movie slasher is almost always invincible until the last surviving member of your group figures out some usually bogus method of putting him on his ass. And believe me when I say, fists and feet never cut the mustard. If you€™re that guy €“ the one who says €œI€™m not scared€™a no killer. I€™ll kick his murderin€™ ass!€ €“ then these will almost certainly end up acting as your final words. It doesn€™t matter how big you are, how strong, or how integral you are to your high school football team€™s starting line up; if you try to out-bully the killer your next order of business will be finally discovering whether or not there€™s an afterlife. The Solution: Stop trying to show off, simple as. Particularly if you€™ve just seen the killer wipe out a group of your friends without so much as breaking a sweat. You might be a star athlete/ notorious bad boy around town, but the killer doesn€™t know or care about your reputation as a hard man; all he knows or cares about is that anyone who he gets close enough to is getting a machete/knife/claw/hook to the innards. Don€™t make his job easy for him by running up to him in the boxers stance.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.