10 Off-Screen Horror Movie Deaths That Will Haunt You Forever

5. The Grabber’s Victims - The Black Phone

Let The Right One In

One of the more surprising horror hits of 2022 was Scott Derrickson’s The Black Phone, a tense story of a young boy who gets kidnapped by a mysterious killer known only as “The Grabber”. 

Finney Blake (Mason Thames) wakes up in the basement of the child-snatcher with seemingly no way to escape. His only hope lies in the titular phone that hangs on the wall, through which he is able to communicate with the spirits of The Grabber’s previous victims, including his own best friend Robin. 

The dead boys offer up advice to Finney about how to survive against his captor and this ultimately allows him to escape. Whilst this is great news for him and his family, it’s hard not to think about how his various helpers met their own gristly ends. 

It is revealed that The Grabber took a lot of kids hostage and that they all died under pretty grim circumstances, alone and afraid in the isolated room. They were ultimately able to get their revenge on their killer, but given the choice, they probably would have preferred to live.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.