10 Off-Screen Horror Movie Deaths That Will Haunt You Forever

4. Marty And Steve’s Parents - Found

Let The Right One In
XLrator Media

From 2012 comes Found, a horror movie that is… well, it’s really something. 

Marty is a 12-year-old boy who lives with his mum, dad, and older brother Steve. One day, whilst going through Steve’s possessions, he finds a bowling bag that, instead of a sweet custom ball, contains a severed human head.

And this is just the start of the movie! 

It transpires that Steve is actually a serial killer, motivated by racial hatred and inspired by an unrated film called Headless. So, horror movies do negatively influence children! All those protestors were right… 

Things get increasingly more horrible for young Marty until Steve’s horrific actions are discovered by their father. The bloodthirsty youngster incapacitates the rest of his family and Marty wakes up tied to a bed with a ball gag in his mouth. From the next room, he can hear the sounds of his parents being brutally murdered. 

Told you this film was something.

Having to listen to someone’s loved ones get killed is one thing, but when that person is a young child? That’s a whole new level of awful. 


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.