10 Offbeat Superhero Films You MUST See

3. Batman: The Movie

Super James Gunn
20th Century Fox

"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"

Don't trust your childhood memories. The Bill Dozier and Adam West Batman, while by the numbers superhero action on one level, has another secret hidden level, a playful and self deprecating level reserved for those too old for the colourful fluff on top. This came as a balm for the parents who were dragged to see it but for childhood fans like me it was a delightful discovery, and a reason to keep loving Batman '66.

Listening to the dynamic duo marvel at their chances of finding an outdoor foam rubber wholesaler's convention when the Bat-copter was crashing was very satisfying to the cynic in me and encourages involvement in the fun. Knowing that a certain demographic is too smart for the main material is one thing, but tailoring a subtle way to not only placate but include them is rarely handled in this way.

True to the series in this regard, it even ends with the de facto UN delegates having their languages genetically jumbled up by the caped crusaders. Surely Batman fixes the problem and all is well right? Actually no. He urges Robin to make a discrete exit out of the window.

Never has such a subversive film been so misguidedly dismissed as this. Filled with umbrella rockets and ridiculously specific Bat Sprays, Batman The Movie still has some surprises for you.

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Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.