10 Opening Horror Movie Scenes That Changed Everything

9. Slumber Party Massacre II

Bride of Chucky Tiffany Jennifer Tilly
New Concorde

The original Slumber Party Massacre featured a drill-wielding middle-aged man as its killer, but that film's 1987 follow-up changes things vastly.

As Slumber Party Massacre II opens up, we're reintroduced to Courtney - one of the survivors of the prior movie - and quickly have her friend group established. But where the major change comes in this opening sequence, is that bizarrely the killer of the first feature has been resurrected as a young, handsome, leather-adorned greaser whose drill is attached to the head of his guitar.

That's not the only landscape-shifting change of Slumber Party Massacre II, though, for it doesn't take long for our greaser to burst out into song as this sequel oddly becomes a pseudo musical. As in, the stalking and menacing from our killer is accompanied by a bunch of cheesy tunes and some good ol' toe-tapping and finger-clicking beats.

Yeah, Slumber Party Massacre II is quite the departure from its predecessor, and so much of that change is laid out in the sequel's opening few minutes.

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