10 Opening Movie Scenes NOTHING Like The Rest Of The Film

7. Superman III

Kindergarten Cop
Warner Bros.

Superman III is certainly much sillier than the first two entries into the franchise, though its opening titles sequence takes this to a whole other level by descending into pure, unadulterated slapstick.

The scene is a thoroughly ridiculous Rube Goldberg-style cacophony of unfortunate accidents happening to the citizens of Metropolis.

A guy walks into a lamppost, phone booths are knocked over, toy penguins get set on fire, a blind man commandeers a road-painting machine, a guy robs a bank, and a car crashes into a fire hydrant, inexplicably causing the car to fill with water and requiring Superman (Christopher Reeve) to save the day.

That's not to say the scene isn't somewhat amusing - particularly a photobooth gag that mocks the fact nobody can tell Supes and Clark Kent apart - but it's also unbearably daft at times, and even for the standards of a Superman movie starring Richard Pryor is orders of magnitude more ridiculous than the rest of it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.