10 Oscar-Worthy Recent Performances The Academy Will Ignore
7. Robert Pattinson - High Life

High Life is far and away the most bizarre film on the list, if not 2019 so far.
Robert Pattinson plays an ex-con who decides to spend his life as an experiment in space, rather than rotting away in a prison cell. Pattinson’s performance is real, hopeless and angry at times, but has spells of softness and tranquility as he cares for his infant daughter.
The movie isn’t an easy watch; violence, isolation, drugs, and a device called the “sex-box” all form something that acts more as a temperament than a cohesive narrative.
At the centre of that mood, though, is Pattinson’s impassive Monte. Director Claire Denis has never been one to appease casual filmgoers; High Life may be her most accessible to date, but is still wildly disjointed.
The Academy already ignored the Twilight actors’ roles in The Rover, Maps to the Stars and Good Time, so there’s little hope this character will be the one to sway them.
Here’s hoping his performances in The Lighthouse, The Batman or Tenet will finally earn some much deserved recognition.