10 Outlandish Avengers: Age Of Ultron Rumours

10. Captain America Uses Mjolnir

The possibility of Captain America wielding Mjolnir in Avengers: Age of Ultron started life as speculation, when footage was shown off at Comic-Con featuring the star-spangled superhero ever so slightly budging Thor's enchanted hammer during a fun night in with his fellow Avengers. However, it didn't take this one long to become rumour. Steve Rogers will apparently be deemed worthy enough to use Mjolnir near the end of the sequel, and will use it to destroy the villainous android Ultron once and for all. It would certainly make for an iconic moment up on the big screen, and undoubtedly feels like a fitting way for Ultron to be taken down (even though Iron Man is his creator). Unfortunately, it's still a little hard to believe. After all, a scene like this would surely be better for an even bigger movie like Avengers: Infinity War? Though seeing as Avengers: Age of Ultron looks set to be Whedon's last movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it could just be that the director has decided to go all out here with a truly epic scene fans will remember.

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