10 Overlooked Positives Of Ghostbusters 2

8. It's Familiar...And That's A Good Thing

Ghostbusters 2
Columbia Pictures

One of the most common complaints about Ghostbusters II is that the core plot is basically just a rehash of the original.

While that's not strictly wrong, does it need to be an issue? Wasn't the plot the least interesting thing about the first movie anyway?

Ghostbusters succeeded because of its characters and their chemistry, and some fans are so busy hand-wringing over the familiar narrative that they lose sight of the brilliant character work in this sequel.

We know the characters, so it doesn't need to waste time introducing them to us or each other, and the chemistry is pure fire right from the outset.

Scenes such as Peter, Ray (Dan Aykroyd) and Egon (Harold Ramis) hanging out in Ray's occult book store and the unforgettable sequence where they pretend to be New York construction workers underline just how great the team can be together, and how much the movie benefits from the pre-established rapport between the four leads.

Could it have been more adventurous story-wise? Sure, but copying the first film's plot structure allowed it to focus on characters and riotous one-liners above all else, and it definitely succeeds in those areas.

Plus, familiarity didn't exactly hurt Star Wars: The Force Awakens now, did it?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.