10 Overlooked Positives Of Ghostbusters 2

5. Peter Venkman Gets Humanised

Ghostbusters 2 Bill Murray Sigourney Weaver
Columbia Pictures

On paper, the idea of throwing serious character development into a Ghostbusters movie sounds pretty terrible, but they actually do a surprisingly solid job here when it comes to Bill Murray's Peter Venkman.

While the original placed him more as a quip-happy a**hole (and he's certainly still that here), the sequel paints a sadder Venkman, stuck presenting a crappy TV show and coming to realise he missed the boat with Dana.

When Dana and her son Oscar are in trouble, though, his protective instincts take over, revealing the warm center beneath his tough exterior as he bonds with Oscar.

This could've been super lame, but thanks to the chemistry between Murray and Weaver and Murray refusing to completely soften the character, it's actually a positive addition.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.