10 Overlooked Positives Of Ghostbusters 2

3. It's Incredibly Self-Deprecating

Ghostbusters 2 Ernie Hudson Dan Aykroyd
Columbia Pictures

A lot of sequels buy into their own hype to the point that they end up taking their central characters far too seriously, but Ghostbusters II is not that movie.

This could easily have been an also-ran sequel where the Ghostbusters were an ultra-successful outfit who once again saved the day with minimal personal turmoil, but instead it's an incredibly self-deprecating sequel that pokes a lot of fun at its own inherent absurdity.

The movie begins with Ray and Winston trying to make some cash at a children's birthday party, but the kids just want to see He-Man. In addition, they're sued for saving the world in the first movie, and throughout the film end up arrested and even institutionalised for their troubles.

While many sequels, especially in the comedy realm, wipe the slate clean for part two, Ghostbusters II actively remembers the quartet's run-ins with the law and the Mayor from the first film, and sees those consequences follow through to demented effect this time around.

Hell, you could even argue that the birthday party scene was a self-aware nod to the possibility of a Ghostbusters sequel feeling a few years too late (arriving 5 years after the original as it did).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.