10 Most Painful Wounds Regularly Inflicted In Horror Movies

7. Removal Of Entrails

Scream EntrailsExamples: Scream, Hannibal, Shaun of the Dead. One of the messiest, most disgusting and goriest wounds - and one which always results in death, but must be horrifically painful to endure as it's occurring - is the removal of a victim's guts or entrails. To reference a non-horror movie, Jurassic Park's Alan Grant describes the situation quite well when referring to the behaviour of a Velociraptor. He said; "he slashes at you with this €“ a six-inch retractable claw, like a razor, on the middle toe" and goes on to say "maybe across the belly, spilling your intestines". Essentially, it's a sloppy, horrible wound (as beautifully described by the world "spilling") and one that regularly occurs in horror movies. Take the original Scream movie, for example. Drew Barrymore's Casey Becker character is harassed by the murderer by phone, who shows her that her boyfriend is tied up on the patio outside. He then dims the lights and, when they come back on, his guts are hanging out all over the place. Or, to take it one step further, let's remember the comedy horror Shaun of the Dead. When the highly annoying David is killed, he is dismembered and disembowelled and the zombies begin to eat his entrails while he is still alive. Disgusting. And rather sore, I would imagine.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.