10 Painfully Long Movie Marathons You Have To Do At Least Once

8. Rocky - 766 Minutes

Rocky vs Drago

The Films: Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky III, Rocky IV, Rocky V, Rocky Balboa and Creed.

How Long?: 12 hours, 46 minutes.

Why You Have To Try It: For starters, these movies are among the most iconic sports films ever made, and observing Rocky Balboa's journey over four decades is quite the sight indeed.

The Rocky franchise is certainly more consistently well-crafted than either Jurassic Park or Saw, but it's also handicapped significantly by the aggressive repetition of the sports movie formula.

The first film is obviously a firm classic, while the first sequel is a rock solid follow-up and the third is decent enough. Rocky IV is objectively terrible but extremely entertaining, while Rocky V is a depressing dirge for the title character that left the franchise on life-support for almost two decades.

Thankfully things have been looking sunnier recently: Rocky Balboa and Creed have seen the franchise back in fighting form, and it seems like the upcoming Creed II might also be a solid addition to the canon.

Though over-familiar, the movies are undeniably warm comfort food, aided by Stallone's compassionate performance in the lead role. And the music, don't forget the music.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.