10 Perfect Casting Choices to Support Ben Affleck's Batman

2. Olivia Wilde - Selina Kyle/ Catwoman

The role of Selina Kyle is a tough one, and considering the history between her and Bruce, it is a casting decision not to be taken lightly. Their relationship is one of the most compelling aspects of Batman and if she was to appear in the DC cinematic universe, it would be interesting to see everything established rather than starting from scratch. Both Michelle Pfeiffer and Anne Hathaway (definitely not Halle Berry) left some pretty big leather boots to fill after their performances in Batman Returns and The Dark Knight Rises and Olivia Wilde is the perfect choice to take up the mantle. Selina has always been presented as hard as nails and cunning, but it would be interesting to see more emotional depth brought to the character. In the comics, she is much more than what we€™ve seen on screen, and often haunted by her actions or her struggles when growing up, hiding her pain behind her lone-wolf stature. You only need to look at her scene stealing performances in House M.D, to know she€™s capable of connecting with audiences on an emotional level - her portrayal of Thirteen showed a lot of self-destructive tendencies that Selina is known for.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.