10 Perfect Movies With One Glaring Flaw

8. An Incomplete Love Story - Creed (2015)

Looper Bruce Willis

Creed is, for my money, the best film in the Rocky franchise, a high compliment that nonetheless few reading this will feel too eager to counter. Because, look, it rules.

But it does have one flaw courtesy of its romantic subplot. Adonis (Michael B. Jordan) starts seeing musician Bianca (Tessa Thompson) early in the film, and they stick together until the middle act throws the younger Creed's life into disarray.

Distressed by the news that Rocky (Sly Stallone) has cancer, Adonis loses his cool, and at one point assaults the headliner of Bianca's latest gig. The outburst causes Bianca to cut him out of her life, which acts as a major turning point in Adonis's desire to be world heavyweight champion.

In the last act, though, Rocky (off-screen!) coxes Bianca back into Adonis's arms, a welcome twist that nonetheless feels slightly anti-climatic, since we never see them properly reconcile after their apparent split. It all feels a bit too forced, which is a shame considering how measured the rest of the film is.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.